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SUBSCRIPTIONS MOLLY ACADEMY 24  the only online training school dedicated to cake design accredited by FIPGC (Federazione Internazionale Pasticceria Gelateria Cioccolateria)

The new online Molly Academy 2025 course consists of a package of 6  projects sthat we will create together online and always be available for you with videos, photographic steps and material lists.

We will focus on the most loved techniques of this incredible art, modeling, sculpture, realistic, cartoon and painting cake and there will be many materials that you will discover: sugar, Isomalt, royal icing, rice krispies and chocolate



01 – MollyLike Do It  (March 2025)

02 – Cake Dog (May 2025)

03 – Cartoon Cake  (July 2025)

04 – Pinting-Royal Ice  (September 2025)

05 – Isomalt&Painting (October 2025)

06 – Realistic (November 2025)

* Choose if you would like to pay the whole course immediately or choose to pay in more installments:

MOLLY ACADEMY a real online art training school


The BASIC package is aimed at all who want to learn the basic techniques of modeling for cake design even without ever having previous experience.

Here you will find 6 independent and non-preparatory projects that you can follow in the order you like

We will mainly work with sugar paste and edible colors using many small tools and accessories, but remember:

Everything is Useful and Nothing is Indispensable



01 - Base Completo

02 - Baptism

03 - The Ark

04 - Face

05 - Female Body

06 - Girl First Communion

